Learn Spanish in Barcelona

We’re here to help you get by in Spanish

La Rosa is a young but professional school whose main aim is to work with you so that your stay in Barcelona is unforgettable. We are a professional team whose enthusiasm will help you achieve your objectives…

We stand out for:


The model student or the perfect teaching method do not exist, we work with people and language is alive and often spontaneous. Hence, being able to adapt to students’ needs and pace is key to understanding their struggles and helping them learn easier. Putting yourself in someone’s shoes is easier when you’ve had the same experience. Putting yourself in someone’s shoes is easiest when you have had the same experience ; empathize with the student’s situation helps tremendously our job. We believe that the teacher’s figure in the acquisition of a new language, with everything it implies, is central, and empathy, understanding and sympathy are essential to reach student’s objectives.


We do not know if work gives dignity, but what we know for sure is that doing a job you love is almost like not working, turning your passion into a job is a privilege and we’re fully aware of that. Our work allows us to travel without moving, interact with people on a daily basis, get to know different ways of seeing the world, break barriers, create bonds, and many more things, all interesting, fulfilling and entertaining. Our job is filled with life and human relationships and it requires loads of energy and dedication to make it work ; to give is our motivation, to do it with excitement and passion our pride.


Pedagogue, native and philologist (language graduate), three essential requirements to be a good Spanish teacher, even though not necessary in this order. We benefit from a thorough experience in teaching ELE (Español Lengua Extranjera — Spanish for foreigners), from advanced theoretical grammar to communicative skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking), and for all levels, from A1 to C2. Our courses are created according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Moreover, we think a good teacher has to adapt to their students and answer all their needs, while remaining fully professional and in charge of the class’ organization. We’re used to working with all kinds of students from all over the world, with different academic, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. We’re not just native Spanish speakers, but rather professional teachers who know how to navigate the intricacies of the Spanish language and explain them in the simplest way possible.

Our courses:

Our courses guarantee and provide all the necessary tools for you to achieve your objectives. Our method allows the teaching of grammar in a communicative context of the language, working at the same time with a functional approach: writing, speaking, reading, and listening. You will learn what you would never learn without a teacher. And besides... you will have fun

Extensive course

This course is well suited for anyone who wants to learn Spanish but doesn’t have much time to dedícate to it : “Slowly but surely”. This course is ideal to combine with a full-time job or studies.

Speaking course

In this course, you’ll practice your oral skills to get more comfortable around other people in Spanish and to better express your ideas. We’ll talk about different subjects based on the topic you’d like to touch.

Private lesson
From 28€

With this option, it’s up to you to choose when, where, and what you want to study ; we’re only in charge of the « how » : how to make you reach your language goals as quickly as possible. You can opt as well for the option « duo » or « trio » which are cheaper if you’d rather share your lesson with fellow language buddies.

What our students are saying…

From the United-Kingdom


“ Before moving to Spain, English was the only language that I could speak. My previous experience with school and teachers wasn’t so good (especially with foreign languages) so naturally, I was a little anxious when starting classes. After my first lesson with Rosa, my whole perspective changed. She spoke in a way that I could understand and follow, despite the fact I barely had level A1 Spanish. Rosa has a wealth of knowledge and experience, which is reflected through her ability to explain complicated grammar structures simply and effectively and answer questions. When speaking with her, it feels like speaking with a friend. She is funny, caring and committed. It was a pleasure to be taught by Rosa and I give her a lot of credit for my abilities today. I now have Spanish friends, a Spanish speaking job, and am able to navigate my life in Barcelona with ease. Gracias por todo, te aprecio mucho y todo lo que has hecho por mi”


From Turkey

“Quiero expresar mi sincero agradecimiento por ser una profesora excepcional durante estos últimos 6 meses. Tu energía contagiosa y tu habilidad para impartir la información de manera divertida hicieron que cada clase fuera memorable. Nunca nos permitiste aburrirnos, y tu dominio perfecto del tiempo demostró tu habilidad excepcional como educadora. Tu conocimiento profundo de la gramática española y tu habilidad para enseñarla con seguridad han dejado una impresión duradera en mí. ¡Gracias por ser una maestra tan inspiradora!”


From Russia

“Изучаю испанский в группе уровня B2 у Розы, занятия всегда проходят в уютной и дружеской атмосфере. Мы разбираем грамматику, обсуждаем новые слова и выражения и очень много практикуем изученный материал, как в формате упражнений, чтения, так и диалога. Отличный баланс между формальным изучением новых тем и живым общением на различные темы позволяет всесторонне углублять знание языка. Так как занятия проходят в мини-группе (до 5 человек), есть возможность переодически вспоминать ранее пройденные темы, если у кого-то есть сомнения по употреблению в речи. Роза очень внимательный преподаватель, профессионал своего дела и прекрасный человек. Я очень довольна и всем рекомендую эту школу!”

Let’s enroll in a Spanish course

You won´t regret it !